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"Vitrified" is a stand-alone mod for Valve Software's Portal 2. It takes place in 1971 and features the adventures of Test Subject F. It was created as a part of a semester long project by game design students at The University of Baltimore using Valve Software's Source SKD Portal 2 Authoring tools. I assumed the role of one of 4 team leaders leading a class of 16 students in the creation of this very unique and ambitious adventure. My work on the project involved  completing the environment art for 4 of the mod's unique levels including the texturing of each level's geometry, adding realistic lighting, and placing animated effects. "Vitrified" can be downloaded and played by visiting

Environment art slideshow

All level/environment art shown by Brandon Van Haren using Valve Software's Source SDK: Portal 2 Authoring tools.


Portal 2: Vitrified Lunchtime Trailer

A gameplay trailer made by Brandon Van Haren. Work shown by various student team members in Brian Doyle's COSC 497 level design class. Voice acting by Chris Balser.


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